Pension – Plan Definitions
To assist you in understanding your benefits provided by the Northern California Glaziers, Architectural Metal and Glassworkers Pension Plan, this section contains brief definitions of a number of terms commonly used when explaining the Pension Plan. Other terms may be defined elsewhere in this booklet. As with any of the descriptions contained in this booklet, the actual rules and regulations of the Pension Plan govern how they are applied when determining your benefits.
Benefit Accrual Credit
The units used to determine the amount of the pension payable by the Plan for Plan Years through June 30, 1974. They are based on hours worked in Covered Service. Hours worked in Connecting Noncovered Service are not counted for this purpose.
Break in Service
A Break in Service occurs when a Participant fails to earn a required minimum number of Hours of Service within a Plan Year (July 1 – June 30). Unless certain conditions are met, two or more consecutive One-Year Breaks in Service can cause the loss of a Participant’s previously earned Years of Service Credit and accrued benefits. This is known as a “Permanent Break in Service.” However, there are provisions for repairing Breaks in Service before they result in a Permanent Break in Service and for curing a Permanent Break in Service that does occur. Detailed explanations of what causes a Break in Service, what can make it permanent, and how Breaks can be repaired are in the section entitled “Can You Lose Your Vesting Credit, Benefit Accrual Credits, and Other Accrued Benefits?”
Computation Break in Service
- After June 30, 1976, a Computation Break in Service occurs when a Participant does not work at least 435 Hours of Service in two consecutive Plan Years.
- Before July 1, 1976, a Computation Break in Service occurs when a Participant failed to have at least 360 hours of credit based on contributory or reciprocal service in two consecutive Plan Years.
If a Computation Break in Service occurs and a Participant later retires, the value of the benefit earned prior to the Computation Break will be frozen at the level payable by the Plan on the date the Computation Break became effective – the June 30th end of the second consecutive Plan Year (unless the Computation Break is cured). Thereafter, if additional benefits are earned, the value of such benefits will be added to the value of the benefits earned prior to the Computation Break in determining the monthly benefit.
Connecting Noncovered Service
Service that takes place on or after July 1, 1976 is counted by the Plan for Vesting purposes but not for determining the amount of a Participant’s benefit. After July 1, 1994, it is service for a contributing Employer in a job not covered by this Plan which immediately follows or precedes a Participant’s Covered Service with any contributing Employer. Before July 1, 1994, the Noncovered Service must be with the same Employer as the Covered Service in order to be considered connecting.
Covered Service
Work under a Collective Bargaining Agreement which requires an Employer to contribute to the Pension Trust.
Noncovered Glazing Service
Any kind of work which is
- Performed in the jurisdiction of any local of the Glaziers, Architectural Metal and Glassworkers Union;
- Performed on or after November 1, 1986, and on or after the Participant became eligible under this Plan or a reciprocal plan; and
- Performed for a company (without written authorization of the local union of the Glaziers, Architectural Metal and Glass Workers Union with jurisdiction over the company), which is doing the type of work covered by the terms of any collective bargaining agreement between any local union of the Glaziers, Architectural Metal and Glass Workers Union and any contributing Employer, but is not signatory to a collective bargaining agreement.
Normal Retirement Age
Attained under any one of the following circumstances:
- The date the Participant is both at least age 62 and Vested; or
- For Participants who worked at least one Hour of Covered Service on or after July 1, 1988, the later of age 65 or the age of the Participant on the fifth anniversary of his participation; or
- For Participants who have not worked at least one Hour of Covered Service after July 1, 1988, the later of age 65 or the age of the Participant on the tenth anniversary of his participation.
Plan Year
The period from July 1 of any year through June 30 of the following year. It is the 12-month period used to determine Vesting Credit and Benefit Accrual Credit.
Qualifying Contributions
For service after June 30, 1974, all contributions required to be made to the Plan on the Participant’s behalf for Covered Service. They include any pension contributions diverted to the Northern California Glaziers Excess Benefit Plan after July 1, 1999. However, they do not include those earmarked to be used for supplemental payments for retired Participants or to improve the overall funding of the Plan.
Any local union of the Glaziers, Architectural Metal and Glass Workers Union which qualifies as such under the Trust Agreement, and has collective bargaining agreements with Employers requiring contributions to be made to the Plan on behalf of Employees who work in Covered Service.
Vesting Credit
Years of Service Credit used to determine a Participant’s eligibility for benefits. It includes hours of Covered Service and Connecting Noncovered Service. (NOTE: Credits may also be earned during certain non-working periods under conditions specified in the Plan.)